This is an infectious viral disease, characterised by small red dots that occur all over the body.

What to look for:
There are two stages of this disease. In the first stage , your child will have cold-like symptoms such as runny nose, eyes, and mouth, cough and a husky voice. The child’s eyes may be red and watery. There may also be a high fever and sneezing.

The second stage (usually from third or fourth day), the child’s temperature falls and the characteristic rash appears. This is usually a reddish colour with raised spots. The spots group together in patches. Then the temperature rises on the day the rash appears. The skin may start to peel after 2 or 3 days.

Measles is highly contagious and is a very severe childhood disease. (Adults can get measles but it is rare. Immunisation is compulsory for children as this disease can have serious complications which can be fatal.


Like most viruses, measles is spread in droplets of saliva which is carried through the air when an infected child coughs or sneezes. Your child is most contagious 2 days before symptoms appear, although he is still contagious for 4 days after the rash begins.


If you suspect that your child has measles, you should always consult your child's doctor, who will wish to monitor your child’s progress through the disease. Your child should not return to school until a week after the rash appears.

Bed rest, a soft-foods diet, and increased liquid intake are usually prescribed by most doctors until the symptoms subside.

Always see your conventional doctor as this disease can have serious consequences if not treated.

Measles and your child

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