These are spasms or tight muscles. Usually in the legs.

What to look for:
*  a sharp, sudden, painful spasm (or tightening) of a muscle, especially in the legs.
*  muscle hardness
*  twitching of the muscle
*  persistent cramping pains in lower abdominal muscles

Sometimes occurring when a muscle contracts with great intensity and stays contracted, refusing to stretch out again (as is usually the case).

Causes & treatment

Muscles contract or lengthen in response to our wanting to move. Imbalances in certain minerals as well as in certain hormones, body fluids, and chemicals which allow this lengthening and contracting to occur can prompt spasms and cramps. As well as this, malfunctions in the nervous system itself can also cause problems.

Excessive physical activity and hormonal imbalances depletes fluids and minerals.

Traditional Treatment
If you suffer from frequent or severe cramps, see your doctor. And severe cramps in your chest, shoulders, or arms can be symptoms of a heart attack; call immediately for medical help.

No medicinal treatment of common muscle cramps is required. Massaging a cramping. For frequent or severe cramps, your doctor will diagnose and treat the underlying cause.

Muscle Cramps

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