What to look for:
*  heavy irregular bleeding, with pain in the lower abdomen or back.
*  difficulty urinating and moving bowels, incontinence, backaches.
*  bleeding between periods.
*  chronic, abnormal bleeding.

The uterus has two parts - the body of the organ and the cervix. It is essentially a strong, hollow, pear-shaped organ which is in the pelvic region behind the bladder. It leads into the vagina.

The endometrium is the lining of the uterus.  The endometrium can bleed abnormally and if so can cause certain mineral deficiencies.

A prolapse of the uterus occurs when the uterus moves downward.

Fibroids are benign growths that can occur in or around the uterus.

Fibroids may cause the uterus to become larger, make it difficult to become pregnant, you may have heavier periods or find it painful to have intercourse


Although the cause of fibroids is not known, their growth is related to hormones. Therefore, oral contraceptives, oestrogen replacement therapy, and pregnancy may cause fibroids to grow and expand. Your doctor will be able to confirm their existence when you have a pap smear.

High levels of oestrogen may cause excessive endometrium bleeding. This can be the result of obesity, but it can also occur as a result of other diseases. This should be examined by your doctor.

The most common cause of a prolapsed uterus is the stretching of the support ligaments that hold it in place. This is usually a result of pregnancy and childbirth.


Fibroid treatment varies and depends on their size and placement and if they are causing you discomfort. Speak with your doctor about the possible ways to treat this problem.

A hysterectomy used to be the standard treatment for most uterine conditions but now there are other ways to treat most problems in this area. A hysterectomy will only be offered as an alternative if other treatments have been exhausted or if the condition is serious and uncontrollable.

Uterine Problems

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