Wind is a build up of excessive gas in the stomach or intestines which can cause cramps and discomfort.

What to look for:
*  abdominal bloating and pain.
*  belching.
*  flatulence

Gas is a normal part of your digestive process, however it can still be painful and embarrassing. You can usually prevent and treat gas and gas pains without professional care, but if you have other symptoms, you should consult with a doctor to find out if you have a more serious health problem.


Usually when we eat too fast or eat foods that are raw (such as vegetables, fruits etc) or if we eat under stress, or eat too quickly we may become flatulent. As well as this, eating too much fats can cause this problem.

If you eat high-fibre foods, the partially digested parts of these foods will pass into your intestines, where bacteria begin a fermentation process that produces gas. A gastrointestinal infection may also produce intestinal gas.


You can usually treat gas and gas pains without the active involvement of a doctor. Usually changes in what you eat will be of great benefit to you. If that does not help, there are over-the-counter preparations which may provide relief. Alternative medicines offer a wide variety of treatments.

Moderate exercise after meals can help move gas through your system more quickly.

If you are lactose intolerant, lactase supplements can help you digest milk products more effectively.


(c) Medicines Information Pty Ltd

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